The Harris Tweed® Journal

A Fabric For Life

14th April

Gnìomhachas Seasmhach
2. Aodach fad-beatha
Is e aodach de dh’àrd-choileanadh a tha sa Chlò Hearach: seasmhach, feumach air glè bheag de nighe agus maireannach. Agus leis gu bheil e air a dhèanamh air fad bho chlòimh, tha e gu tur bith-chnàmhach.

A Sustainable Industry
2. A Fabric for life
Harris Tweed® is a high performance fabric: durable, requiring minimal laundering, and long lasting. And being made from wool, it is fully biodegradable.

Photograph by Janet Miles
machair grasses


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