The Harris Tweed® Journal

Sustaining a Heritage Industry

28th April

A Sustainable Industry
4. Sustaining a Heritage Industry
Harris Tweed is more than a unique handwoven product. Produced only in the Outer Hebrides, Harris Tweed sustains specialist weaving and textile production skills throughout remote rural communities – generating sustainable employment opportunities through generations of islanders.

Gnìomhachas Seasmhach
4. A’ dèanamh Gnìomhachas Dualchasach Seasmhach
Tha an Clò Hearach na nì a tha nas cudromaich na dìreach stuth air leth a tha air fhighe le làmh. Air a dhèanamh a-mhàin ann an Innse Gall, tha an Clò Hearach a’ cumail suas fighe spèisealaichte agus sgilean ullachaidh aodaich air feadh choimhearsnachdan dùthchail iomallach-a’ cruthachadh chothroman obrach seasmhach tro ghinealaichean de dh’eileanaich.


Photograph by Janet Milesharebells on machair

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