The Harris Tweed® Journal

An Clò Mòr

9th February

An Clò Mòr
/kLɔː moːr/
The Big Cloth

Is e aodach a’ Chlò Hearaich – An Clò Mòr – an t-aon aodach san t-saoghal a tha air a riaghladh leis an Achd Pàrlamaid aige fhèin agus an t-aon aodach a tha air ullachadh ann am meudan coimeirsealta le bhith a’ cleachdadh modhan-obrach traidiseanta. Tha caractar agus bòidhchead air leth aig a’ Chlò Hearach. Tha na ceudan de phàtrain suaicheanta air a bhith air an leasachadh fad linntean, gach fear dhiubh sònraichte, ach chan eil ceist ann nach buin iad dhan Chlò Hearach. Tha e neo-àbhaisteach gu bheil a’ chlòimh air a dath mus tèid a snìomh, agus tha seo ga dhèanamh comasach mòran dhathan a cho-mheasgachadh dhan t-snàth, a’ cruthachadh aodach anns a bheil doimhneachd mhòr agus ioma-fhillteachd.

“Harris Tweed® cloth – Clò Mòr (Gaelic for ‘The Big Cloth’) – is the only fabric in the world governed by its own Act of Parliament and the only fabric produced in commercial quantities by truly traditional methods. Harris Tweed® has a rare character and beauty. Hundreds of distinctive patterns have been developed over centuries, each one unique, but unmistakably Harris Tweed®. Unusually, the wool is dyed before being spun, allowing a multitude of colours to be blended into the yarn, creating a cloth of great depth and complexity.”

To learn more about Harris Tweed® fabric, visit our page for The Big Cloth, available both in English, and Gaelic.

The featured Harris Tweed® fabric was handwoven for island mill Harris Tweed Hebrides. For more details see link below.

Photograph by Alison Johnston | encompass

harris tweed authority a clo mor alison johnston

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