The Harris Tweed® Journal

Coimhead nas Dlùithe

16th February

Coimhead nas Dlùithe
/kɔ̃jəd nəs dLuː/
Look Closer

Coimhead gu dlùth gus am faic thu fìor nàdair a’ Chlò Hearach agad. Tha catalog mòr ann de dheilbh ris am faod thu coimhead: bho raon farsaing de fhighe plèana, deilbh cnàimh-sgadain gu breacain nas ioma-fhillte cho math ri pàtrain ùra, neo-ghnàthach, co-aimsireil. Bidh Luchd-dèanaimh a’ Chlò Hearaich a’ leantainn orra le luchd-dèilig ann a bhith a’ sgrùdadh nan cothroman airson gach sèasan ùr.
Beantainneach, bog, socair, blàth, dathach, seasmhach agus so-fhreagarrach: chan eil sgeul air an t-seann ìomhaigh a bha aig a’ chlò mar aodach trom, tachaiseach agus seann-fhasanta. Tha an Clò Hearach a’ cumail ris an dualchas a tha aige de dheisealachd agus mairsinneachd agus aig an aon àm a’ foillseachadh càileachdan agus beusan aodaich a tha dha-rìribh sòghail.

“Just look closely to reveal the true nature of your Harris Tweed®. There is an extensive catalogue of designs to delve into: from an array of plain twills, traditional herringbones to more complex plaids as well as fresh, unconventional, contemporary patterns. Harris Tweed® producers continue with clients to explore possibilities for each new season. Tactile, soft, breathable, warm, colourful, sustainable and adaptable: the old image of coarse, scratchy, dour tweed simply does not exist these days. Harris Tweed® retains its heritage of practicality and longevity whilst extolling all the qualities and virtues of a truly luxury fabric.”

To learn more about Harris Tweed® fabric, visit our page for The Big Cloth, available both in English, and Gaelic.

The featured Harris Tweed® fabric was handwoven for island mill Harris Tweed Hebrides. For more details see link below.

Photograph by Alison Johnston | encompass
harris tweed authority WTOW harris tweed hebrides alison johnston

The Big Cloth

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