The Harris Tweed® Journal


6th April

Ten Reasons to Love Harris Tweed®

5. Dearbhachd

Tha an Clò Hearach air a dhath, an snàth air a chur ri chèile, air a chàrdadh air a shnìomh, air a uarpadh, air fhighe, air a chrìochnachadh air a sgrùdadh is air a stampadh ann an Innse Gall na h-Alba le croitearan agus luchd-ciùird iondail.

“Harris Tweed® fabric is dyed, blended, carded, spun, warped, woven, finished, examined and stamped only in the Scottish Outer Hebrides by local crofters and artisans.”

Visit our website to read more of our ‘Ten Reasons to Love Harris Tweed®’ available in both Gaelic and English.

Photograph by Janet Miles

harris tweed authority janet miles beach gaelic

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