The Harris Tweed® Journal


13th April

Ten Reasons to Love Harris Tweed®

6. Deisealachd

Air a dhèanamh de fhìor shnàth ùr 100%, tha an Clò Hearach blàth sa gheamhradh agus fionnar as t-samhradh. Cumaidh e a-mach uisge, caithidh e gu math, tha e furasta a ghlanadh agus a chàireadh leis na h-innealan as sìmplidh.

“Made of 100% pure new wool, Harris Tweed® fabric is warm in winter and cool in summer. It resists water, wear and tear with ease, cleans easily and can be repaired with the simplest of tools.”

Visit our website to read more of our ‘Ten Reasons to Love Harris Tweed®’ available in both Gaelic and English.

Photograph by Janet Miles

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