The Harris Tweed® Journal

Harris Tweed Authority Educational Trust 2021 Online Conference

27th April

Harris Tweed Authority Educational Trust 2021 Online Conference
Monday 3rd – Tuesday 4th May, £7.50
Book Your Place:

This year, we at the Harris Tweed Authority have decided to share our story in a new way – providing a special opportunity to the many who would love to visit our islands, but for the time being are unable.
We want to welcome you to the first Harris Tweed Authority Educational Trust Online Conference. Our theme for 2021 is ‘The Home of Harris Tweed®’. More than just a series of lectures, we want to open the doors to the loom shed and welcome you in to enjoy a little taste of what it means to be a Harris Tweed® weaver as part of a unique island industry and heritage.

• Session 1: The Home of Harris Tweed® with Lorna Macaulay, CEO Harris Tweed Authority
• Session 2: Tales from the Loom Shed with Iain Martin, Seaforth Harris Tweed
• Session 3: The Weaver at Work with Rebecca Hutton, Taobh Tuath Tweeds

Please note: places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Therefore, we ask that you book one ticket only per email address. Each session will last approximately one hour. Sessions are recorded and replays will be available after the event. The cost is £7.50 and all proceeds from the Conference go to the Harris Tweed Authority Educational Trust (see more details via Conference link).

We hope many of you will join with us for this special experience.

harris tweed authority educational trust 2021 online conference

Book your place

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