Na Breabadairean
23rd February
Na Breabadairean
The Weavers
Tha an càirdeas eadar na breabadairean agus na muilnean aig cridhe gnìomhachas a’ Chlò Hearaich.
Is e neach-ciùird a tha ann am breabadair a’ Chlò Hearaich a tha a’ stiùireadh na beairt san aon doigh sa bheil neach-ciùil a’ stiùireadh inneal-ciùil. Tha am fuaim agus na nòsarachdan aice fhèin aig a h-uile beairt agus chan eil fhios ach aig a’ bhreabadair mar a gheibhear an nì as fheàrr aiste. Dh’fhaodadh e ùine mhòr a thoirt ag ullachadh na beairt airson clò ùr fhighe. Aon uair is gu bheilear air tòiseachadh a’ fighe, dh’fhaodadh iad suas ri ceithir meatairean de chlò fhighe gach uair a thìde, agus a’ cumail sùil gheur a-mach fad na h-ùine airson mhearachdan.
“At the heart of the Harris Tweed® industry is the relationship between the weavers and the mills.
The Harris Tweed® weaver is an artisan, the master of the loom in the same way a musician is of their instrument. Each loom has its own sound and idiosyncrasies and only the weaver will know how to get the best from it. It can take a long time to ready the loom for weaving a new cloth. Once weaving, they may create as many as four metres of tweed per hour, watching constantly for flaws as they go.”
To learn more about Harris Tweed® fabric, visit our page for The Big Cloth, available both in English, and Gaelic.
Photograph of island weaver, Kenny Maclennan by Jane Hepburn Macmillan