The Harris Tweed® Journal

4. Process: Spinning

27th October

The Harris Tweed® Process

4. Spinning

The soft yarn has a twist imparted to it as it is spun to give it maximum strength for weaving. The spun yarn is wound onto bobbins to provide the ingredients for the loom: weft (left to right threads) and warp (vertical threads).

4. A’ Snìomh

Tha an snàth bog air a thoinneamh an uair a tha e air a shnìomh gus an neart as motha a thoirt dha an uair a tha e air fhighe. Tha an snàth a tha air a shnìomh air a chur air bobain ann a bhith ag ullachadh airson a chleachdadh air a’ bheairt: an snàth-cuir (snàithlein a’ dol bhon làimh cheàrr chun na làimhe clì) agus an dlùth (na slàithlein air fad a’ chlò).

Photography by Janet Miles

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The Process

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