The Harris Tweed® Journal

2. Process: Washing & Dyeing

10th October

The Harris Tweed® Process

2. Washing & Dyeing

Harris Tweed® is truly dyed in the wool, i.e. the wool is dyed prior to being spun as opposed to dyeing spun yarn. This means different coloured wools are blended to create a myriad of intricate shades and hues. As the vegetation is now protected, natural dyes be can no longer be used. However, Harris Tweed® is a truly ecologically sound textile, with a low-impact VOC (volatile organic compound) absorbent production process, and is non-allergenic and biodegradable

2. A’ Nighe & A’ Dath

Tha an Clò Hearach dha-rìribh air a dhath mar chlòimh, i.e. tha a’ chlòimh air a dath mus tèid a snìomh seach a bhith a’ dath snàth a tha air a shnìomh. Tha seo a’ ciallachadh gu bheil snàth de dhathan eadar-dhealaichte air an cur ri chèile gus an t-uabhas dhathan is thuaran toinnte a chruthachadh. Leis gu bheil na planntasan a-nis air an dìon, chan urrainnear a bhith a’ cleachdadh dathan nàdarrach. Ach, is e aodach-fighte a tha dha-rìribh fallain gu h-eag-eòlach a tha seo le buaidh-iòsal VOC (volatile organic compound) pròiseas ullachaidh stuth-sùighteach, agus tha e neo-aileirgeanach agus bith-lobhach.

Photograph: Master Dyes/ Janet Miles

The Process

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