The Harris Tweed® Journal

Say hello to a Harris Tweed® Superfan, Lynda

7th October

Lynda visited our Story Room exhibition this summer and kindly shared her experience with us. She also tells us a bit about herself and how she came to visit the islands.


“What a lovely time we had visiting you and the beautiful Stornoway. Such friendly, informative and helpful staff …. a really interesting visit.”


Lynda has been a keen knitter all her life and has recently joined the Guild of Weavers, Spinners, and Dyers at her home in Lincolnshire, where she has learned a lot.


Lynda told us she is also a keen home dyer. She has been experimenting with Solar dyeing, this summer in her greenhouse, and it now resembles a laboratory with many water-filled Kilner jars full of her spun wool, all soaking in various plants, fruits, and barks! The first image below shows some of Lynda’s dyeing creations. Aren’t they beautiful!?


On her motorhome trips, Lynda likes to visit as many ‘woolly’ places of interest as possible and she describes the Outer Hebrides as ‘a real gem’. She takes her spinning wheel along with her wherever she goes! Here she is below, enjoying the glorious sunshine in Rodel, Harris this summer. Lynda hopes to progress to weaving once she has perfected her spinning techniques.


‘I’m sure the information I have gathered on my travels in the Outer Hebrides will inspire me.’


All the best with your spinning, dyeing, and weaving, Lynda! Please keep in touch and we hope to see you again next year.


Images by Lynda Quigley

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