The Harris Tweed® Journal

Word of the Week: Beauty | Bòidhchead

16th September

10 Reasons to Love Harris Tweed®

Reason 9: Beauty | Bòidhchead

Harris Tweed® cloth is literally dyed in the wool, with separate pigments of wool carefully blended to special ‘recipes’ before being spun. Just one single yarn can contain several different colours in order to obtain the perfect tone or hue, each reflecting some aspect of our natural surroundings. Heathers, mosses, lochs, mountains and sky: all entwined to make beautiful Harris Tweed®.

Tha an Clò Hearach gu litearrail air a dhath sa chlòimh, le snàithlein eadar-dhealaichte de chlòimh air an cur ri chèile gu faiceallach ann an òrdugh sònraichte mus tèid an snìomh. Dh’fhaodadh gu bheil dhà no trì dhathan air an cur ri chèile gus an dath no an tuar ceart fhaotainn, a h-uile h-aon dhiubh a’ comharrachadh taobh air choreigin de ar suidheachadh nàdarrach. Fraoch, còinneach, lochan, beanntan agus adhar: a h-uile h-aon dhiubh a’ tighinn ri chèile gus Clò Hearach brèagha a dhèanamh.

Ten Reasons to Love Harris Tweed®

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