The Harris Tweed® Journal

Word of the Week: Finished Tweed

15th July

Meeting the Standards!
The Harris Tweed® Story from Wool to Cloth

After being scoured in soapy water and soda, it is subjected to a milling process and given a certain amount of felting. This gives the finished cloth a good handle. After drying, the cloth is cropped to move dead hairs from the surface. The cloth is then presented to the Harris Tweed Authority inspectors and, if all the regulations have been complied with, it is stamped with the Orb certification mark granted by the Intellectual Property Office.

An dèidh a bhith air a ghlanadh ann an uisge le siabann agus sòda, bidh e a’ dol tro phròiseas muilnidh agus bidh beagan fealtadh air a dhèanamh air. Tha seo na chuideachadh dhan chlò. An dèidh dha tiormachadh bidh bileagan air an toirt bho uachdar a’ chlò. Bidh an clò an uair sin air a thoirt do Luchd-sgrùdaidh Ùghdarras a’ Chlò Hearaich, agus ma chaidh na riaghailtean air fad a leantainn, thèid a stampadh le comharra teisteanachaidh an Orb a chaidh a thoirt seachad le Oifis an t-Seilbheachd Innleachdail.

Photography by Alison Johnston/Encompass

Harris Tweed® Process

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