The Harris Tweed® Journal

Word of the Week: Practicality | Deisealachd

2nd September

10 Reasons to love Harris Tweed®

Reason 7: Practicality | Deisealachd

Harris Tweed Authority

Made of 100% pure new wool, Harris Tweed® is warm in winter and cool in summer. It resists water, wear and tear with ease, cleans easily and can be repaired with the simplest of tools.

Air a dhèanamh de fhìor shnàth ùr 100%, tha an Clò Hearach blàth sa gheamhradh agus fionnar as t-samhradh. Cumaidh e a-mach uisge, caithidh e gu math, tha e furasta a ghlanadh agus a chàireadh leis na h-innealan as sìmplidh.

Photography by Alison Johnston/Encompass

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