The Harris Tweed® Journal

Word of the Week: Protection/Dìon

22nd July

Do you love Harris Tweed® cloth?
(We like to think you do.)

Harris Tweed® Cloth
Harris Tweed® Cloth

Our new ‘Word of the Week’ series is about what we love about Harris Tweed® cloth.

Reason 1: Protection/Dìon

The Harris Tweed Act (1993) enshrines in law that every metre of Harris Tweed® will conform to exacting standards and adhere to the legal definition of Harris Tweed®. Where you see the Orb mark, you are guaranteed the cloth is authentically produced as outlined by the Act.

Tha Achd a’ Chlò Hearaich (1993) a’ gleidheadh san lagh gum bi gach meatair de Chlò Hearach a rèir nan inbhean agus a’ leantainn a’ mhìneachaidh reachdail mun Chlò Hearach. Far am faic thu comharra an Òrb, is e dearbhadh a tha sin gu bheil an t-aodach air ullachadh gu h-ùghdarrail mar a tha air a chur an cèill san Achd.

Photography by Alison Johnston/Encompass

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