The Harris Tweed® Journal

Word of the Week: Style | Stoidhle

23rd September

10 Reasons to love Harris Tweed®

Reason 10: Style | Stoidhle

The world’s best designers, fashion houses and artists have embraced Harris Tweed® cloth, showing their appreciation through their wonderful creations with every passing season. And Harris Tweed® is not just restricted to catwalks and couture; bespoke interiors also enjoy that rare touch of luxury only Harris Tweed® can bring.

Tha an luchd-deilbh as fheàrr san t-saoghal, taighean fasain agus dealbhadairean air gabhail gu mòr ris a’ Chlò Hearach, agus a’ sealltainn an ùidh le bhith a’ dèanamh cruthachaidhean mìorbhaileach gach seusan. Agus chan eil an Clò Hearach dìreach airson aodach spaideil an là an-diugh; bidh broinn an taighe cuideachd a’ mealtainn sòghalachd nach tig bho nì sam bith eile ach an Clò Hearach.

Read all Ten Reasons

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