The Harris Tweed® Journal


16th March

Ten Reasons to Love Harris Tweed®

3. Dùthchasail

A rèir an lagh, feumaidh an Clò Hearach air fad a bhith air ullachadh ann an Innse Gall agus chan ann ann an àite sam bith eile. Tha a h-uile òirleach de shnàth air a dhath is air a shnìomh ann am muilinn sna h-eileanan. Tha a h-uile slat air fhighe aig dachaigh breabadair Clò Hearach. Tha na sgilean sin air a thighinn a-nuas bho ghninealach gu ginealach ann an coimhearsnachd an eilein.
“By law, all Harris Tweed must be produced in the Outer Hebrides and nowhere else. Every inch of wool is dyed and spun in an island mill. Every yard is handwoven at the home of aHarris Tweed weaver. These skills are passed down with pride from generation to generation of the island’s community.”

Visit our website to read more of our ‘Ten Reasons to Love Harris Tweed®’ available in both Gaelic and English.

Photograph of island weavers Anna Macleod and her father Donald Montgomery | Sandy Maciver

harris tweed authority gaelic word of the week

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