The Harris Tweed® Journal

Word of the Week: History/Eachdraidh

29th July

10 Reasons to love Harris Tweed®

Reason 2: History/Eachdraidh

For well over a century, Harris Tweed® cloth has been woven with skill and care by crofters in their own homes, just as it is today. From the early 20th century’s high living gentry to today’s catwalks and couturiers, Harris Tweed® has long been the choice of the discerning.

Airson còrr math is ceud bliadhna, tha an Clò Hearach air a bhith air fhighe le sgil agus cùram le croitearan sna dachaighean aca fhèin, dìreach mar a tha san là an-diugh. Bho thràth san 20mh linn, tha an Clò Hearach air a bhith air a roghnachadh leis na daoine uasal, beairteach agus le luchd-fasain san là an-diugh.

(Photographers unknown)

The Outer Hebrides – Designated World Craft City for Harris Tweed

10 Reasons

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